About Us

At Sparkle Space, we specialize in property styling that captivates and enhances. We bring sophistication and allure to every property we style. What sets us apart is that we have our own furniture company, allowing us to provide a diverse selection of high-quality furniture at the lowest price cost for your property.

Sparkle Space is your partner in elevating property appeal with our own quality and diverse furniture selection. Contact us today and let us bring your vision to life, making your property truly sparkle in the market.

What Is Property Styling?

Property styling is a very simple concept. It is the staging of a house to create neutral appeal when selling your home. Property styling is an essential part of a successful home sale.

How to Stage a Property for Sale?

Decluttering and depersonalization. Vacating a property of all existing furniture is the simplest way to achieve this. An empty house allows a complete re-evaluation of how spaces are best utilised. Property styling repurposes rooms to suit the modern lifestyle of the target market. It also enhances spaciousness and flow throughout the home.

Coordinated design and function. Furniture and accessories must provide cohesion throughout a property. Our attention to detail in the design phase delivers results. The application of colour and light provide modest personalisation. Slight personalisation provides welcoming warmth to the home whilst maintaining appeal to all. Presenting a desirable lifestyle vision captures the attention and hearts of buyers.

Wow factor. With mere seconds to capture attention, your photos must have wow factor. Compare online listings of properties in your area. Which photos attract you to an open inspection? We guarantee you these are staged homes. Staged homes provide for shots worthy of the latest home and décor magazines.

The Benefits of Property Styling

Return on investment. A recent home staging study found that 68% of staged homes sold for at least 9% more than “un-staged” neighbour’s homes. The cost of property styling is generally less than 1% of sale price. This delivers an incredible return on investment.

Sell faster. Photos of a staged home will bring more potential buyers to your door. Helping you find your buyer for your home quicker.

It beats renovations. Renovations are a common course to increasing property value. Yet, renovations are lengthy, stressful and costly. Essential repairs and property styling are the quickest and easiest way to increase the price when selling your home.

Realise the full potential of your empty property. An empty house is completely uninspiring. However, it is also full of potential. Don’t risk leaving it to the buyer’s imagination. An empty house is your opportunity to utilise property styling to provide a superior vision.

Trust a professional. Successful staging requires hours of planning and years of experience. Our experienced property stylists showcase the strengths of your property. Furthermore, our styling can improve weaknesses.

Stress less. Selling your home is a stressful experience. Don’t make it worse by taking on the responsibility of staging your home.

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